Friday, January 20, 2012

War Horse

So, of course I went to see War Horse. Hollywood makes a movie about animals, I'm there. Especially horses or dogs. Anyways, I've seen War Horse twice now. I love it. The first time that I saw it I wasn't quite sure how I felt because of how attached I got to the horse (of course) and how hard it was to watch parts of the movie.

Anyways, I saw it again. I love it. I just love that film! If you haven't seen it, go see it! It gives a great historical perspective and a new perspective on war.

My favorite part of the film is when a grandfather and granddaughter are talking in their home.  Earlier in the day soldiers had come and ransacked their home. The grandfather did nothing to stop the soldiers, he simply and strongly protected his granddaughter. She accuses her grandfather of being a coward for not fighting back and asks him if he has ever done a brave thing in his life.

He responds to her question...

"Did you know the French have the best courier pigeons? And this could be the difference in the war, our messages getting through."

"I don't want to hear about the birds."

"They are released at the front and told to go home. This is all they know. But to get there, they must fly over a war. Can you imagine such a sight? Here you are flying over so much pain and terror. And you know you can never look down, you have to look forward or you'll never get home. I ask you, what could be braver than that?"

Here's to not looking down. To moving forward, flying hard, making progress and bravely getting home.



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